How many remember the movie " Catch Me If Your Can" with Leonardo Di Caprio. Well, it was about the true story of Frank W. Abagnale who was a check forger and one of the most wanted men in the United States. A con-artist, par exellence, who ripped off millions from banks, was an imposter, who not only headed a hospitial posing as a doctor but also pretended to be a Pan Am pilot and used his charm and charisma to pad his pockets while cleverly avoiding capture. Of course he eventually ended up in a French prison. He was so good at his job that when brought back to the United States to serve time, the FBI felt it was better to use his services rather than have him languish uneventfully in a prison cell.
FACADE HANDWRITING -His writing is smooth. His letters are clearly defined. His pen pressure is dark and his letters are connected.
Smooth / charm and charisma
Clearly defined letters/good communication and social skills
Dark pen pressure/robust energy level
Connected letters/logical, able to plan.